Sunday, January 11, 2015

Logic vs Heart

A lady was having a discussion about buying a car. She mentioned it was Logic vs. her heart. 

I started thinking about Logic vs Heart. 
Logic vs. Heart
Thoughts vs Emotions
Facts vs. Feelings
Truth vs. Distortions

It seems to me this is what part of counseling is about. Are your thoughts factual or have they become distorted through your environment, experiences from history, what other people tell you? Remember emotions/feelings are like a rollercoaster. One minute happy, next sad. One minute angry, next laughing. 

So how do you get off the roller coaster? Begin by changing your thoughts. Ask yourself is this thought based in fact, based on truth, based on logic or is based on something else? 

For more information about how to change your thoughts, here are some links:    (The Neuroscience of Changing Toxic Thinking Patterns