Monday, March 23, 2015

for counselors's eyes only

The benefits of working nights.  I work at a hospital at night. It is fast paced some nights and we get swamped.  It has and continues to enhance my skills as a counselor.  If you want to experience how to really work with individuals in crisis, work at a hospital for a few months.  You will see all kinds of crisis and it pull at your heart strings.  As a caregiver, it can be hard to seperate your emotions from your work and sometimes we shouldn't, but we cannot carry the burden of someone's load all the time and not feel it.  I work with a great and awesome team.  We support one another through the rough nights and have fun during the good nights. We all bring different perspectives, experiences and talents to the table.  I have learned much and will continue to grow.  

One important lesson, do not, I repeat DO NOT neglect your self care.  You are no good to your client/patient nor are you any good to your team.  Take advantage of time off to fill your bucket up so you won't be empty when you go to work.  If you don't about bucket filling, get Tom Rath's book on How Full is  Your Bucket? (amazon or itunes).  

Peace and enjoy your day in the sunshine

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Love this song!!!!

I enjoy country music. Yes, I admit it I ENJOY country music. And there is a relatively new song by Kristin Bush on his album Southern Gravity called Trailor Hitch.  The chorus goes " I don't know why know why everybody wanna die rich, champaign, new plane, work your Way down that list, we try, everybody tries to fit it into that ditch, you can't take with you when you go, I've never seen a hearse with a Trailer hitch!"  ( I cannot add a link via mobile but look it up on itunes)

Why am I writing about the Trailer Hitch song, well how many of us are working ourselves into an early grave after things that we can't take with us when we go?  This is not a rant about money but about what is important your life. Is having nicer things more important than physical health, time with loved ones, seeing children grow up? 

Check yourself and your priorities. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Know your benefits!!!!!

I am almost through with week 2 at the hospital I am working at. Hospitals are about helping people and making money. Money keeps the doors open and employees there to help patients. Which brings me to my point of the blog. It surprises me how many people do not know what their behavioral health insurance benefits are or what benefits they have through work. They don't look at it until a crisis arrives. Please review your insurance benefits and employee assistance benefits. The time of a crisis is not the time to figure out where your insurance is accepted and what type of care you have. A day of treatment for the facility I work at cost 900.00/day on average. That's is a lot when you have to pay it out of pocket. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ashley Davis Bush, LCSW, Psychotherapist and author of "75 Habits for a Happy Marriage" talks about ways to Destress without leaving your Chair

There is definitely a time for action. Like when you wake up at 3 a.m. and hear water pouring out from somewhere in your house after you've just returned home from a winter vacation and it turns out that your frozen pipes are bursting (not that I'm speaking from actual experience, or anything). In that moment of stress, it's probably not the best time to sit and meditate on your dilemma.
Don't just sit there, do something! Happily for me, my husband leapt out of bed, ran through the basement (naked, mind you) and shut off all water in the house until he could isolate the offending pipe. The amygdala, the part of the brain that identifies danger and then activates the body for fight or flight, is quite good at reacting to potential danger. A little too good, you might say.
For many of us, the stressors of high-paced, nonstop modern living chronically stimulate our amygdala, thus keeping our bodies in a state we call stress. We become so locked into high alert that we remain stressed out even though no danger actually lurks around the corner. While a single stress response can be critical, chronic stress is a health hazard.
Often our well-meaning leisure activities, our attempts to lower our stress levels -- such as going on vacation, going to a yoga class, engaging in our hobbies, or even having a massage -- fail to keep our stress levels down. Why? Because, 1. we get stressed just trying to fit these activities into our busy lives (and paying for them) and 2. the moments of relaxation we might experience often don't carry over into our day to day living.
So, how can you truly restore yourself, simply and effectively, every day? Don't just do something, sit there. Right there, in your chair. After all, it's the small moments of peace through your day that make a big difference to your stress level. In my book,Shortcuts to Inner Peace, I offer a compendium of effective relaxation techniques. Read on to learn eight of them. Whether it's in your desk chair or your recliner, just sit, relax, and restore.
The first four practices you can do with your eyes open while the last four practices can be done with your eyes shut. You may find setting a timer for 1-5 minutes helpful.

1. Daydream by gazing out your window -- I know that your teachers told you to stop staring out the window and focus on your work. But now your objective is to let your work go for a few minutes. Start with a long exhale and then let your gaze wander. Notice what's happening in the outside world. Just notice. Feel how your body relaxes as you redirect your mind away from stressful thoughts. Especially fun is to imagine a feel good fantasy -- romantic, heroic, or otherwise. Daydreaming is not only relaxing, but it can actually help boost your creativity.

2. Investigate a small object, looking for details -- It's remarkable how you can look at the same objects every day but actually not see a thing. Take a moment to look at something within reach and really notice the details. Explore the color nuances, the textures, the shadows, the design. Discover the hidden aspects of your stapler, your favorite pen, the picture on the wall, the shell in your desk drawer. Notice how your mind redirects as you go on an adventure into the micro-landscapes around you.
3. Tap on your body from the feet up -- Use your knuckles to gently tap your way up your body. Focus your attention on the sensations. Start with your feet and move up your calves to your thighs. Tap along your torso and up each arm. Use your finger tips to gently tap your face. When you redirect your attention toward physical sensations, you may notice that your thoughts subside. Energy medicine considers tapping an important way to help relieve stress and revitalize your energy.
4. Doodle -- Put pen to paper and let yourself meander. Doodling is another way to jumpstart your creative side. Give your left brain a rest and let your right brain wake up. When we move our attention away from goal-directed activity during doodling, our "attention system" is relaxed. So give your left brain a break, stimulate creative juices and have fun!
5. Close your eyes and Listen -- Listen to the sounds around you. Isolate your sense of hearing, letting yourself notice and label each sound that you hear: "dog barking, car honking, copy machine, colleagues gossiping, rain pounding, etc." Slow the spiral of stressful thinking by bringing yourself fully into the present moment. Mindful listening clears the mind and has the effect of rebooting your system.
6. Close your eyes and imagine yourself on a fantastic vacation -- Take a moment and travel back in time to a wonderful trip. Or picture a fabulous destination that you've always wanted to visit. Use details to imagine the temperature, the sights, the sounds, the smells. Replay a favorite place, detail by detail. Notice how your body responds to pleasant, relaxing thoughts, almost as if you are actually there. Take a deep breath. Consider this your "Calgon take me away!" moment.
7. Close your eyes and breathe -- Your breath is like a portable spa. It's so obvious, so ever-present, and yet we rarely think to harness its potent powers. While there are many breathing exercises to consider, I personally suggest the 4-7-8 breath, an ancient breathing pattern taught by Dr. Andrew Weil. Breathe in for the count of 4, hold your breath to the count of 7, and exhale your breath, breathing out through your mouth as if breathing through a straw, to the count of 8. The pairing of an exhale that is twice as long as the inhale is especially relaxing.

8. Close your eyes and scan your body -- Start with the top of your head and "scan" down, slowly checking in with your body. As you scan, imagine warmth spreading from the top of your head, down your neck, over your shoulders, down your arms, down your torso, down your legs, and moving out through your feet. Notice a sense of inner awareness. For example, even with your eyes closed, you are aware of your hands and feet; you can feel an aliveness within them. Allow your attention to move from "thinking" to "sensation." Use these moments to re-connect with your body and release any tension within. The body scan is a classic relaxation technique.
There is a time and place for action and reaction, but there's also a place for the pleasure of stillness. You may not be able to get to the yoga mat, your barbells, or your sneakers. But you can take a moment to lean back and relax into the peacefulness of just sitting there.

Work sucks

By Nataly Kogan, CEO of Happier

You know how some days at work just drive you crazy? The kind when nothing seems to go your way; when you feel like you're getting nothing done; when yojr colleagues or boss are being the opposite of nice, and when all you want to do is collapse on your couch in front of the TV?

Yeah, those days. Those days suck -- let’s just get that out of the way. And most of the time you can’t just leave and get to your couch’re at work and you have a job to do. So here are 5 things you can do instead to help you deal with stress at work. They may not feel as comfy as your couch or get you as far away from your office frustrations as you would like, but they’ll help you get through the rest of the day with the least amount of swearing and hair-pulling:

Step. Away. Now. Whatever your job is, there’s got to be a way that you can step away from your desk or station for a few minutes. When you’re frustrated or stressing out, you won’t be productive anyway, and those feelings will continue to escalate if you don’t change your setting. If you can, go for a short walk -- when getting outside is not an option, take a spin around your office or work area. Or walk over and chat with a colleague (one that isn’t driving you nuts, preferably). Or stare at the goldfish in the aquarium (if your workplace has one). Anything works as long as you literally walk away from where you usually spend most of your workday.

Make a plan for a mini-break tonight. It would be nice if you could follow every bad day at work with a day at the spa, but that’s a fantasy-solution for most of us. Still, you can plan a mini-break at home when you get out of work. To start chilling out, actually write down what you plan to do. It could look something like this:

Change into my fave yoga pants and huge sweater
Make hot chocolate (the really good kind)
Chill on the couch for a half hour, reading magazines
If time, take a bath with those awesome-smelling bath salts.
Writing this down will make it more real, and anticipating this mini-break when you get home will help you have a more positive attitude for the rest of your workday.

Send an SOS message to a friend. Text or email a friend who always manages to make you feel good and tell them you’re about to lose it. Letting someone know how you’re feeling lets you release some of the stress and your friend will likely say something to make you feel even slightly better. Sometimes just getting validation that “Yes, I do think your boss is absolutely positively insane for doing that!” feels great.

Do something super nice for a colleague. You’ve heard that doing nice things for others is the fastest way to feel better. Well, if you haven’t heard, it’s true -- a lot of research supports it and Deepak Chopra says it’s the fastest way to feel happier. So when you’re about to lose it shift your focus entirely to doing something nice for a colleague. Bring them their favorite snack. Invite them out for coffee or bring them their usual beverage. Leave a funny note on their desk. You can do the tiniest thing, as long as you it will make them smile and you don’t expect anything in return.

Treat yourself to something tiny but awesome. Buying stuff isn’t going to remove work stress but treating yourself to a little something awesome will make you feel a little better. Here are some ideas for inexpensive sparkly things that help you smile. Baublebar has some really fun jewelry that won’t cost you a ton. Etsy is a fun place to browse for things like pretty journals or coffee mugs