Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year and Reflection

At the end of the year, a lot of news shows do a year in review and review the top news makers.  What would your year in review look like?  What were the positive or high moments and what were the low or negative moments? What would you do differently?  

What do you want to accomplish for 2015?  What is your strategy? I know what I want to do and have a plan. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas morning

(Written earlier)
It's 341am and all is calm and quiet. Reading of our Savior's birth. Thinking about the first night God sent His Son and Mary giving birth. We sing about Jesus's birth but do we experience it or does it get overshadowed by the busyness of Christmas. Have you taken moments to be alone to think about His birth?  What does the birth of Christ mean to you? For me, it is summed up in a few words, bridge from sin to salvation and grace. Grace every moment and second of my life. Merry Christmas family and friends. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Parents please read and take heed

Parents do you know what your kids are saying when they use abbreviations and acronyms? It is disturbing that can be said via text and chat and people do not know what the  abbreviation means.

Detective Mike Harris from the Jefferson County District Attorney's Office informed 7News that cracking the codes kids use isn't about being cool, it is about keeping them safe.  Harris makes a living posing as children online to catch internet predators in the act, but the perverted criminals are even better than he is at talking to the kids at their level. 

Here are a few of the abbreviations:
8 - means ate or can also refer to oral sex
9- Parent watching
99 -Parent gone
143- I love you
1174 - the meeting place, meet at
420- marijuana
53X- sex
ADR- address
AEAP- as earlly as possible
ALAP- as late as possible
ASL- age, sex, location,
Broken- hung over from alcohol
CD9- Code 9- it means the parents are around
GNOC- get naked on camera
GYOP- get your pants off
IWSN- I want sex now
KPC- keeping parents clueless
LMIRL- lets meet in real life
MorF- male or female
MOS- mom over shoulder
MPFB- my personal F*** buddy
P911- parent alert
NIFOC- nude in front of computer
Q2C - quick to cum
RU/18- are you over 18
PIR- parent in room
PAW- parents are watching
PRON- porn
RUH-are you horny
TDTM- talk dirty to me
WYCM- will you call me
WUF- where you from
WYRN- what's your real name.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Hope Is...........

None of us have ever woken up and thought, “I hope I have a terrible day today.” We might expect to have a bad day or worry about having a bad day, but these emotions are not hope. Hope is believing the best for us.

There is a difference between having hope and having a wish. Wishing is an optimistic thought that doesn't require any action; hope is about trusting. Wishing the store will have your favorite flavor of ice cream when you get there is just a thought. Hope is calling ahead, learning it is in stock, then trusting the manager put it aside for you. Our hope is only as valuable as the person or thing in which we place it. 


Who do you place your hope in? Do you have a hard time hoping ? Why or why not?